88 Historic Rochester Conservation Area Appraisal PDF 67 KB
Additional documents:
This report set out the proposals for changes to the Historic Rochester Conservation Area following a recent review and consultation process. The Area Appraisal was a planning tool which would set out the important features of the area and proposed principles for the preservation and enhancement of it. A Management Plan accompanied the appraisal which set out the principles and actions for the future management of the Conservation Area. It was also proposed to amalgamate two smaller Conservation Areas (Victoria Street and Church Fields) into the Rochester Conservation Area. The report also set out proposals regarding Article 4 directions and additional advertisement controls.
The Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee considered this report on 18 August 2010 and its views were set out in paragraph 6 of the report.
A Diversity Impact Assessment had been completed, as set out in appendix 4 to the report, and it was noted that it had not been necessary to undertake a full impact assessment.
Decision number: |
Decision: |
The Cabinet noted the views of the Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee. |
121/2010 |
The Cabinet agreed to the adoption of the Rochester Conservation Area Appraisal document (appendix 2 of the report) and the new Management Plan (appendix 3 of the report), subject to the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture being delegated authority to make minor amendments reflecting the proposals from the Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee as set out in paragraph 6 of the report. |
122/2010 |
The Cabinet agreed the extension of the Conservation Area as shown on the map in appendix 1 of the report subject to the inclusion of the Pier on the Esplanade, as suggested by the Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee. |
123/2010 |
The Cabinet agreed to the making of Article 4 Directions for residential dwellings as set out in the Management Plan. |
124/2010 |
The Cabinet agreed to authorise the Director of Regeneration, Culture and Community, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Development and Economic Growth, to investigate the most effective method of additional advertisement control and to undertake all necessary procedures in order to apply for such controls, including the carrying out of any consultations and the consideration of any representations. |
The Rochester Conservation Area Appraisal and management plan will help the Council provide clear guidance and robust justification in planning decisions.
Article 4(2) directions and additional advertising controls will help ensure the Council can uphold its statutory duty to ‘preserve’ or ‘enhance’ the character of the conservation area.
249 Historic Rochester Conservation Area Appraisal (Policy development) PDF 6 MB
This report sets out proposals for changes to the Historic Rochester Conservation Area following a recent review and consultation process and asks the committee to comment and forward the recommendations to Cabinet on 7 September 2010.
The Design and Conservation Officer gave a presentation to the Committee which informed Members of the statutory duty of the Council to preserve and enhance Conservation Areas and explained the proposed changes to the Historic Rochester Conservation Area following the recent review and consultation process.
Members then asked officers a number of questions, which included: -
· Concerns regarding financial implications of extending the conservation area, in terms of resources;
· Concern with regard to the Corporation Street development;
· Suggestion that the pier be included in the conservation area;
· Concern regarding access issues for some businesses if traffic is excluded on Sundays;
· Suggestion that roller shutters are resisted and instead shutters which are more in keeping should be used;
· Suggestion that the importance of the trees in the paddock area should be referred to in the appraisal;
· Surfacing should be sensitive to the area;
· A local list of buildings of local historic importance should be compiled.
Officers responded that the main purpose of the conservation area was to help in terms of controlling what actions third parties took on properties and it was felt that this could be done with existing resources. There was now a Corporation Street development Brief, which would assist in ensuring development of the site would be complementary. Officers undertook to review the boundary to consider the inclusion of the pier and also explained that a local list of buildings of local historic importance was being considered also.
The Committee recommended that officers note the comments of the committee and that the Cabinet agree the following;
1) to adopt the Appraisal document and the new Management Plan;
2) the extension of the Conservation Area referred to in the report;
3) making Article 4 Directions for residential dwellings as set out in the Management Plan;
4) to authorise the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Development and Economic Growth to investigate the most effective method of additional advertisement control and to undertake all necessary procedures in order to apply for such controls, including the carrying out of any consultations and the consideration of any representations.