Issue - meetings

Council Plan Monitoring (Third Quarter)

Meeting: 19/04/2011 - Cabinet (Item 4)

4 Quarter 3 Council Plan Monitoring pdf icon PDF 2 MB




This report presented details of the Council’s performance for the third quarter of 2010/2011 against indicators and actions agreed in the 2010-2013 Council Plan.


Appendix 1 to the report provided a summary of performance against the six priorities in the Council Plan and Appendix 2, as an exceptions report, set out the performance achieved against actions and indicators where performance was below target.


It was noted that of the 51 key measures that could be reported this quarter 36 (71%) had achieved or outperformed the target and a further 4 (8%) were below target but within acceptable variance limits. 11 (22%) key measures were below target and outside acceptable variance limits.


The report set out in detail the discussions that had taken place on the report at the council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings.


Decision number:




The Cabinet noted performance for Quarter 3 2010/2011.




Full and accurate performance reporting to Members is consistent with best practice, and allows Members to review the Council’s performance.