Issue - meetings

Amherst Hill Design Brief Supplementary Planning Document

Meeting: 29/06/2010 - Cabinet (Item 52)

52 Amherst Hill Design Brief pdf icon PDF 109 KB

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This report provided details of the draft Amherst Hill Design Brief which had been produced by the Council to satisfy a Local Plan requirement that a design brief must guide the development of the site and ensure that the site be developed in a manner appropriate to its sensitive setting and prominent location. It was intended that the brief be subject to consultation and subsequently adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). 


The report gave details of the site, which was located at the Chatham Lines, and owned by Defence Estates, and had been allocated for residential use in the Local Plan. The proposed public consultation would last for 6 weeks, exceeding the minimum level of public involvement, to ensure a level of engagement that was adequate to fully address the concerns of local residents. It would include a leaflet drop in the local area and a public exhibition.


Decision number:



The Cabinet approved statutory consultation on the draft Amherst Hill Design Brief commencing in mid-July 2010 for 6 weeks.



To allow progress towards adoption of the brief as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and to ensure that the site is developed in a manner that minimises the visual impact on Fort Amherst and the local area.