Issue - meetings

Local Development Framework: Draft Core Strategy

Meeting: 19/10/2010 - Cabinet (Item 114)

114 Local Development Framework: Draft Core Strategy (Policy Framework) pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Additional documents:


This report set out details of the first draft of a new Core Strategy and proposed that this pre-publication version be approved for public consultation, which would end in December 2010.


It was noted that the Council was required by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 to prepare and subsequently keep under review a Local Development Framework for Medway. This consisted of a portfolio of documents that included a Core Strategy, which set out an overall vision and strategy for the area up to 2028 and addressed the strategic issues facing it.


Members were advised as to the content of the Core Strategy, the consultation undertaken and the next steps leading up to the final adoption of the Core Strategy in 2012.


Copies of the draft Core Strategy had been circulated separately from the main agenda, together with two schedules of representations received on the Issues and Options report and a Sustainability Appraisal.


The role of the Local Development Framework Cabinet Advisory Group was noted and Members were advised that the Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee had considered this report on 29 September 2010. Details of the comments and questions raised at the Overview and Scrutiny meeting, along with the officer responses, was set out in the report.


Decision number:



The Cabinet agreed that the ‘pre-publication’ draft Core Strategy be published for public consultation purposes under Regulation 25 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004 as amended, subject to any necessary changes of a minor typographical nature being agreed by the Director for Regeneration, Community and Culture in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Development and Economic Growth.


The Cabinet agreed that the Schedule of Responses to the Issues and Options report be approved for publication alongside the draft Core Strategy.


The Cabinet agreed that the Sustainability Appraisal of the pre-publication draft Core Strategy be approved for publication.




To comply with the requirements of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and ensure that there is an up to date spatial planning framework for the area.

Meeting: 29/09/2010 - Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 393)

393 Local Development Framework: Draft Core Strategy pdf icon PDF 3 MB

This report informs the Committee about a first draft of the Core Strategy, which will be the key part of Medway’s Local Development Framework. The Committee is invited to comment on it prior to it being reported to Cabinet on 19 October 2010. 




The Local and Regional Planning Manager introduced the report advising the committee that an earlier version had been due for consideration in July 2010 but that this had coincided with the announcement of the abolition of the South East Plan. The draft core strategy had since been refined and references to the South East Plan removed. Members were notified that the draft strategy did not contain proposals for new development other than at Lodge Hill but did have a range of features, detailed in paragraph 4.5 of the report, planned to shape Medway over the next 15 years. 


Members raised the following questions and comments:


·        affordable housing – some Members commented that the levels remained too low;

Officers responded that the figures were based on a commissioned Strategic Housing Market Assessment and the recommendations reflected that study.

·        additional jobs target by 2028 (paragraph 3.9, page 99 of the agenda) how would the success of this be measured?

Officers agreed that a clear baseline should be included in the strategy.

·        new coal power station at Kingsnorth (paragraph 5.28, page 117 of the agenda) how robust was the strategy on waste heat?

Officers confirmed that they would consider whether the reference to the re-use of waste heat could be strengthened.

·        Canterbury Street, Gillingham as a secondary shopping centre.

Officers advised that the Local Plan proposals showed four local centres in Canterbury Street. It had all been assessed and it was proposed that one area, relatively distance from Gillingham town centre should be designated as a neighbourhood centre. This served a significant residential area.

·        Strood station nearer to some parts of Rochester? How will the council improve links from Strood across the river?

The importance of links across the river were recognised and would be taken into account when detailed proposals come forward.

·        Bryant Road – should this be designated as a neighbourhood centre given its proximity to the High Street, Strood?

Is doing well compared to other local centres but is close to the High Street. On balance, it is considered that it should be designated subject to views being received as part of the public consultation on the Core Strategy.

·        housing type and tenure – (paragraph 6.26, page 149 of the agenda) small amount of executive-style accommodation. Members considered that this required further detail, as it could be very important in the future. There was too little suitable housing for executives in Medway and by choosing to live in other areas, this also took away their money from being spent in Medway;


Officers replied that this could not be addressed through the draft core strategy but sites could be designated in the forthcoming Allocations and Development Management Policies development plan document.

·        development sites in River ward totalled 6,300 new units but what of the road infrastructure to cope with this large number of extra vehicle movements?

Officers responded that the figures did include the un-developed parts of St. Mary’s Island and Rochester Riverside which already had planning permission. Other sites  ...  view the full minutes text for item 393

Meeting: 06/07/2010 - Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 131)

131 Local Development Framework: draft core strategy pdf icon PDF 582 KB




The Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture announced that as the government had formally abolished the South East Plan earlier in the day this report would be withdrawn from discussion at this meeting. He advised that there were various references to the South East Plan and conformities to it within the Core Strategy, so these would need to be removed, together with additional requirements to justify housing and job numbers within the strategy.


The Local and Regional Planning Manager also advised that the government’s Chief Planner had issued a six page guidance note and a preliminary assessment of that indicated that officers would hopefully bring an amended report for consideration to the meeting on 29 September 2010.



The committee agreed to defer consideration of the report until the meeting on 29 September 2010.