Issue - meetings

Gateway 1 Options Appraisal: Connexions Contract

Meeting: 08/06/2010 - Cabinet (Item 39)

39 Gateway 1 Options Appraisal: Connexions Services Provision pdf icon PDF 679 KB


This report set out the options appraisal for the procurement of the Connexions Services provision in Medway.


Members were advised that the existing contractual arrangement would end on 31 March 2011 and that it was proposed to tender externally for a new Connexions Contract that would run fromApril 2011 until March 2014. The report noted that the Connexions Services contributed to the priorities within the Medway Children and Young People’s Plan and that commissioning the delivery of Connexions Services was a contractual obligation for all education authorities that was funded by the government.


It was noted that the Procurement Board had considered this report on 12 May 2010 and supported the recommended open market procurement. 


An exempt appendix provided information relating to the budget provision and estimated costs for the contract.


Decision number:



The Cabinet agreed to the preferred option (3) set out in the report, open market procurement for the Connexions Services provision in Medway from April 2011.




The existing contract ends in March 2011. Going out to tender currently provides best value. The market for the provision of this service is currently strong. Young people will continue to receive an impartial, consistent and accessible service.