Issue - meetings

Whistleblowing Policy

Meeting: 15/04/2010 - Council (Item 746)

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This report sets out the proposed revised Whistleblowing Policy for consideration and approval.




The report sought agreement to review and replace the Council’s current Whistleblowing Policy. 


Councillor Carr, supported by Councillor Andrews, proposed the recommendation as set out in the report.


Councillor Griffiths, supported by Councillor Maple, moved the following amendment:


That the whistleblowing policy be amended to include the recommendations agreed at the Audit Committee, as per section 2.4, that staff can contact members to discuss concerns when all other channels had been exhausted.


In addition, the Chief Executive must contact Group Leaders when a whistleblowing complaint reaches that level, in order that members are briefed in advance of staff contacting the media with their concerns.


Therefore the new policy will read as follows, with the additions in italics:


14.             Taking your concern further

                  If you have exhausted all these channels and you still have concerns, or feel that the issues have not been fully or appropriately addressed, you can contact the Chief Executive, or have him contacted on your behalf, to discuss your concerns in confidence.  At this point, you may also raise your concerns with elected members.


15.             Contacting the media

                  If a worker is considering contacting the press, they are strongly advised to seek guidance from professional of other representative bodies and to discuss the matter where possible with line and professional managers.  If you decide to proceed with contacting the media, you must inform the Chief Executive of the action you have taken or are proposing to take and the Chief Executive will brief Group Leaders on the matter.


With the agreement of the meeting and Councillor Andrews, as supporter, Councillor Carr, in accordance with rule 10.4.2 of the Council Rules, agreed to alter the substantive motion to include this amendment.




The Council agreed the Whistleblowing Policy as set out at Appendix 1 to the report, subject to the following amendments:


(a)               The following words being added to the end of the first paragraph of section 14, taking your concern further; “at this point, you may also raise your concerns with elected member".

(b)               The following words being added to the end of the first paragraph of section 15, contacting the media, “and the Chief executive will brief Group Leaders on the matter”.

Meeting: 01/04/2010 - Employment Matters Committee (Item 715)


This report sets out the proposed revised Whistleblowing Policy for the Committee’s consideration.  




The Assistant Director, Organisational Services, submitted a report which set out the proposed Whistleblowing Policy following its initial consideration at Audit Committee on 17 December 2009 and subsequent consultation. It was noted that it was proposed to add the policy to the Council’s constitution, therefore, its agreement was a matter for Council on 15 April 2010.


A Diversity Impact Assessment had been undertaken on the proposals and it was noted that it was not necessary to undertake a full impact assessment.


Members discussed a number of issuesincluding the recommendations from the Audit Committee on 17 December 2009 with particular reference to whether it was appropriate to contact Councillors under this policy as a last resort. The Committee discussed whether Trades Unions and the Council’s Equalities Forums could be added to section 10 of the policy (How to raise a concern) and whether section 16 of the policy (Responsible officer) could be re-worded to reflect that all uses of the policy be reported to the Audit Committee. The Committee also discussed whether all formal whistleblowing complaints be recorded.  




The Committee recommended approval of the Whistleblowing Policy to Council subject to the Policy being amended to reflect that all formal whistleblowing complaints being recorded.