Issue - meetings

Annual Report

Meeting: 15/04/2010 - Council (Item 746)

746 Annual Report of the Monitoring Officer pdf icon PDF 80 KB

This sets out the Monitoring Officer’s Annual Report for the period April 2009 – March 2010. This report gives an update on Member Conduct issues and the work of the Standards Committee and the Monitoring Officer.

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The report provided an update on Member conduct issues and the work of the Standards Committee and the Monitoring Officer for the period April 2009 to March 2010.


Councillor Rodney Chambers, supported by Councillor Jarrett proposed the recommendation as set out in the report.




The Council considered and noted the Annual Report of the Monitoring Officer.

Meeting: 07/04/2010 - Standards Committee (Item 726)

726 Annual Report of the Monitoring Officer pdf icon PDF 81 KB

This is the Monitoring Officer’s Annual Report for the period April 2009 – March 2010. This report gives an update on Member Conduct issues and the work of the Standards Committee and the Monitoring Officer.  




The Monitoring Officer presented the Annual Report of the Committee for the period April 2009 to March 2010. The report gave an update on Member Conduct issues, and the work of the Standards Committee and the Monitoring Officer.


The Monitoring Officer asked Members to note that under paragraph 6 of the report (Members’ Training and Development) she had recently completed a training session for Parish Councillors more specifically in respect of governance issues and stated that this would be reported to Council (15 April 2010).


In addition to the contents of the report the Monitoring Officer informed the Committee that Standards for England had introduced a more detailed questionnaire for Monitoring Officers to complete as their Annual Return Standards for England this year. It was noted that the results of this return would feed into the Standards for England Annual review and that they would be sharing items of notable practice with the standards community.


Members asked the Monitoring Officer if any Members of the Cabinet had standards issues as part of their Portfolio.


The Monitoring Officer advised the Committee that the Leader of the Council had governance as part of his portfolio.




The Standards Committee noted the report and that a training session had been completed for Parish Councillors. The Standards Committee recommended to Full Council the Annual Report of the Monitoring Officer for consideration.