Issue - meetings

Item A

Meeting: 07/04/2010 - Standards Committee (Item 729)

729 Appointment of new Independent Members pdf icon PDF 78 KB

This report advises the Committee on progress in recruiting new independent members to the Standards Committee. 




The Monitoring Officer introduced a report that advised the Committee on  progress in recruiting Independent Members of the Standards Committee. Members were reminded that Mr Coulson and Mr Povey had served on Medway’s Standards Committee for a period in excess of the recommended two terms, as recommended by Standards for England, and would therefore be standing down as soon as their replacements had been appointed. The Committee was also informed that there had been an Independent Member vacancy for some time.  


The Monitoring Officer informed Members that she had advertised for new Independent Members of the Standards Committee and had held interviews on 26 March 2010.


The Monitoring Officer informed Members that the standard of candidates interviewed had been high and therefore asked the committee to recommend to Council to appoint the following 3 new Independent Members and retain 6 Independent Members of the Committee:


·        Christopher Sanford

·        Fatima Shah

·        Charles Thompson




The Committee agreed:


(a)       To note the outcome of the recent recruitment exercise for new Independent Members of the Standards Committee and agreed to retain six Independent Members of the Standards Committee and recommend to Full Council that the following candidates are appointed as Independent Members of the Standards Committee:


·        Christopher Sanford

·        Fatima Shah

·        Charles Thompson


(b)       To formally place on record its thanks to Mr Coulson and Mr Povey for their valued contribution to the work of the committee since 2001.