6 The Regulator of Social Housing - Inspection Outcome PDF 164 KB
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This report outlined the Regulator of Social Housing’s Judgement for Medway Council, following one of the first planned inspections to be undertaken in Kent and Medway against the new Consumer Standards, which took effect on 1 April 2024.
The report set out the findings from the inspection and confirmed the actions required to support the continuous improved outcomes for tenants across all areas of the Consumer Standards.
The Council had been awarded a Regulatory Judgement C2 grade. This was the second highest grade, out of four consumer grades. The specific wording for a C2 grade was that “Our judgement is that there are some weaknesses in the landlord delivering the outcomes of the consumer standards and improvement is needed.”
Thanks were given to the Portfolio Holder, officers and tenants for their work and the support provided during the inspection process.
A copy of the Regulatory Judgement was attached at Appendix 2 to the report.
Decision number:
The Cabinet noted the Regulatory Judgement issued by the Regulator of Social Housing following a proactive inspection of Medway Council. |
The Cabinet supported the continuous improvement plan which included the actions required to address the improvement areas confirmed as part of the inspection process.
2/2025 |
The Cabinet agreed that the Tenants Panel and Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Governance Group would monitor the progress against the continuous improvement plan, including being able to comment on progress updates in line with the plan, at each of its future meetings.
To enable the Cabinet to review and comment on the inspection findings
To facilitate the delivery of the actions required to support the continuous improved outcomes for tenants across all areas of the Consumer Standards.