4 Business Plan and Key Performance Indicators 2023 - 2028 PDF 169 KB
The report provided an update on progress with the development of a business plan and the associated Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the Joint Venture, which were still being developed. At the time of the initial meeting of the Sub Committee it had been anticipated that the work required to establish a strategy and subsequent work with Medway Norse to agree a Business Plan and KPIs, would have been completed by this meeting. The work was in hand and being led by the Client team but was a larger piece of work than first anticipated.
The Assistant Director, Front Line Services and Deputy Director of Place, advised that following a discussion with the Director of Place who was now the Council appointed Chairperson of Medway Norse Ltd Board of Directors, the recommendation to delegate authority for the project scope and governance would be more appropriately delegated to the Assistant Director, Front Line Services and Deputy Director of Place.
The recommendations as amended, were moved by the Chairperson.
Decision number:
3/2024 |
The Sub Committee agreed the objectives set out in section 5 of the report, delegating the project scope and governance to the Assistant Director, Front Line Services and Deputy Director of Place. |
4/2024 |
The Sub Committee agreed the revised timescale for a draft strategy and update on progress to be presented to the meeting in February 2025. |
As a shareholder, the Sub Committee needs a strategy and business plan in place in order to be confident in delivery.