Issue - meetings

Protest of the 7 August 2024

Meeting: 27/08/2024 - Cabinet (Item 4)

4 Protest of the 7 August 2024 pdf icon PDF 137 KB




This report provided the Cabinet with an overview of a protest that had taken place in Medway on the evening of Wednesday 7 August 2024. This had involved approximately 150 individuals, consisting of protestors and a group of anti-protestors. The situation had been successfully managed by Kent Police and had culminated in three arrests confirmed for public order offences. There had been no substantive violence, injuries or damage to property.


Thanks were given to colleagues across the Council, in particular the Community Safety and Communications teams and to Kent Police, for their work in addressing the protest and dealing with associated issues. It was highlighted that thuggery and anti-social behaviour were not acceptable in Medway. 








The Cabinet noted and recognised the Authority’s excellent record on community cohesion and the work of the Council, Kent Police, Partner agencies, Community & Faith Groups and our community in responding to the challenges of the events of the protest on the 7 August 2024.


The Cabinet noted and supported a workshop on community cohesion in Medway.


The Cabinet noted and supported a reflective exercise by officers and key partners in considering any lessons learnt from the management of the events of the 7 August 2024. 



To provide the Cabinet with an update on the protest that took place in Medway on 7 August 2024.