Issue - meetings

Hoo St Werburgh and Chattenden Neighbourhood Plan - Request to Send to Referendum

Meeting: 27/08/2024 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Hoo St Werburgh and Chattenden Neighbourhood Plan - request to send to Referendum pdf icon PDF 159 KB

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This report considered the outcomes of the independent examination of the Hoo St Werburgh and Chattenden Neighbourhood Plan. It set out the Examiner’s assessment of the submitted plan, and his recommendations, which included a number of modifications to the plan to improve clarity and compliance with national planning policy.

The report explained that the Hoo St Werburgh and Chattenden Neighbourhood Area had formally been designated by the Council in December 2018 for the purposes of preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan. The work had been led by the Neighbourhood Planning group set up by Hoo St Werburgh and Chattenden Parish Council.

Following iterative consultation, the Parish Council had submitted its draft plan to Medway Council in October 2023. The Council had published the draft plan for representations at Regulation 16 in January 2024. The plan had then been submitted for examination in Spring 2024.

It was recommended that the Cabinet accept the Examiner’s recommendations and approve sending the plan to referendum.







The Cabinet approved that the Neighbourhood Plan be modified in accordance with the Examiner's report, as set out at Appendix 1 to the report, and that the Neighbourhood Plan as modified should proceed to Referendum.


To enable timely decision making in the Neighbourhood Plan process.