Issue - meetings

Regional Care Co-Operative (RCC)

Meeting: 30/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 16)

16 Regional Care Co-Operative (RCC) pdf icon PDF 116 KB

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This report provided information on the development of the Regional Care Cooperative (RCC) Pathfinder which was a Department for Education (DfE) funded project to encourage local authorities (LAs) to work together more closely on the commissioning and procurement of placements for looked after children. The South East had been approved as a national pathfinder and the report sought approval for Medway to join the RCC Pathfinder for the South East.







The Cabinet agreed that Medway Council join the Regional Care Co-Operative Pathfinder and enter into relevant discussions and collaborations with DfE/other Local Authorities as appropriate.



The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of People and Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services, to finalise and enter into relevant agreements such as Partnership Agreements and Service Level Agreements that result from Medway’s involvement in the Regional Care Co-Operative Pathfinder



The Cabinet agreed to receive a further report on the development of the Regional Care Co-Operative later in the year when more detailed information about the implications and opportunities of the project for Medway Council are available



Medway can benefit by working collaboratively on selected areas of development with other SE Local Authorities. Other South East authorities have agreed to join and being part of the RCC opens Medway up to further collaboration and funding opportunities over the next 2 years.