Issue - meetings

Application for the Provider Selection Regime (PSR)

Meeting: 30/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 14)

14 Application of the Provider Selection Regime (PSR) pdf icon PDF 139 KB

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The Provider Selection Regime (PSR) came into force on 1 January 2024. This regime provided alternative procurement routes for health-based services that did not necessitate competitive procurement processes in all circumstances. The report set out the background to PSR and proposals as to how PSR should be applied at Medway.







The Cabinet agreed that a threshold of £663,540 for health-based services would be applied as a procurement threshold for Gateway 1 and 3 reporting (the same level for other Gateway reporting).


The Cabinet agreed that anything under this threshold would be initiated solely by the Category Management Engagement Form.


The Cabinet agreed that a competitive process (current processes) should apply for all health-based services, unless the Cabinet approved an alternative approach presented in a GW1 report (business case) or there were other compelling reasons identified within the Category Management Engagement Form.



This decision supports the Council’s delivery of the FIT plan, enhances transparent decision making and embeds best values across all procurement activity.