5 Safer, Healthier Streets Programme - School Streets Tranche 2 PDF 286 KB
Additional documents:
The report provided details of Tranche 2 of the School Streets programme including the results of the recent informal public consultation and proposed next steps. The report sought approval to progress to a formal statutory consultation, and where appropriate, for the School Streets to be implemented.
Councillor Maple advised that Rochester Cliffe Woods Primary School was erroneously listed within the report at sections 1.9 and 6.7.
A Diversity Impact Assessment had been undertaken and was attached at Appendix F to the report.
The Cabinet noted the results of the School Streets consultation as set out in Appendix A to the report. |
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The Cabinet agreed to progress School Streets at Cliffe Woods Primary School, Cliffe Woods Pre-School and the City of Rochester School, Cliffe Woods to statutory consultation. |
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The Cabinet agreed to progress School Streets at Fairview Primary School, Rainham to statutory consultation. |
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The Cabinet agreed to progress School Streets at High Halstow Primary Academy, High Halstow to statutory consultation. |
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The Cabinet agreed to progress School Streets at Hilltop Primary School, Frindsbury to statutory consultation. |
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The Cabinet agreed to progress School Streets at St Margaret’s Church of England Junior School and St. Margarets Infant School, Rainham to statutory consultation. |
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The Cabinet agreed to progress School Streets at St William of Perth Catholic Primary School, Canon Close, Rochester to statutory consultation. |
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The Cabinet agreed to the proposed amendments to the School Streets at Crest Infants School / Delce Academy, Rochester following the feedback received during consultation and agreed to proceed to statutory consultation for a period of 6 weeks which would provide opportunity for additional stakeholder feedback on the changes. |
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The Cabinet agreed to the proposed amendments to the School Street at Horsted Primary School, Chatham, following the feedback received during consultation and agreed to proceed to statutory consultation for a period of 6 weeks which would provide opportunity for additional stakeholder feedback on the changes. |
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The Cabinet agreed to the proposed amendments to the School Street at The King’s Pre-Preparatory School and Nursery, following the feedback received during consultation and agreed to proceed to statutory consultation for a period of 6 weeks which would provide opportunity for additional stakeholder feedback on the changes. |
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The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, Highways and Enforcement to consider the outcome of the statutory process (where necessary any amendments) and to take forward necessary infrastructure work and implementation (subject to the statutory process). |
The School Streets initiative, within the Safer Healthier Programme, meets several key strategic polices and action plans set out by the Council. The implementation of the recommendations would create a safer environment for students, the wider school community, and residents, by enabling and encouraging more sustainable transport choices.