Issue - meetings

Medway 2.0

Meeting: 30/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 Medway 2.0 Roadmap pdf icon PDF 236 KB




This report sought approval for the proposed roadmap for Medway Council’s Medway 2.0 transformation programme.

The report explained that the One Medway Financial Improvement and Transformation (FIT) Plan had been agreed by Cabinet on 30 April 2024. The Medway 2.0 Roadmap directly supported the delivery of the plan’s targets by providing dedicated service design and improvement capability, which would enable services to streamline and improve their operations, in particular customer-facing activity. It was anticipated that the delivery of savings would be achieved over the four-year duration of the FIT Plan; the roadmap therefore looked beyond the current financial year (2024-2025). Medway 2.0 was about reimagining what Medway Council does, and how it does it.

The report had been previously considered by the Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 20 June 2024, the comments of which were set out at section 9 to the report.







The Cabinet noted the comments of the Business Support and Digital Overview and Scrutiny Committee, as set out at section 9 to the report.


The Cabinet agreed the rationale, core principles, approach, timeline, and the resource needed to undertake the work outlined within the report.


The Cabinet agreed the external and internal services and processes prioritised for discovery, set out at Appendix 1 to the report.


The Cabinet approved the formation of a cross-party “Member User Testing Group” to allow Councillors to experience and beta-test new services that have been developed: as follows:



Agreeing a clear rationale, core principles, approach, and timeline will provide clarity to services about the Council’s priorities and the principles for re-designing services, which were detailed within this report.


The formation of a cross-party “Member User Testing Group” will provide an informal opportunity for Councillors to experience and beta-test new services that have been developed, provide feedback, and see the progress that is being made in-between the formal reporting cycles.