Issue - meetings

Moving Traffic Offences

Meeting: 09/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Safer Healthier Streets Programme - Tranche 2 Moving Traffic Enforcement pdf icon PDF 271 KB

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This report provided details of the Moving Traffic Enforcement initiative including the results of the recent informal public consultation and proposed next steps. The report also sought approval to take forward to implementation, the enforcement of the Moving Traffic Offences.

Tranche 2 of the Safer Healthier Streets key initiative was the addition of 17 existing moving traffic restrictions for ANPR Moving Traffic Enforcement, which would enable residents, visitors, and businesses to move around Medway’s network safely and with the benefit of improved journey times. The initiative would reduce congestion across the road network by allowing more efficient traffic flows. It was explained that following the changes made to Cabinet portfolios earlier in the day, the recommended delegation should reference the Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, Highways and Enforcement instead.

A Diversity Impact Assessment had been undertaken and was attached at Appendix B to the report.







The Cabinet noted the results of the consultation as set out in the report and appendix A to the report.




















The Cabinet agreed to progress to implementation of the Moving Traffic Enforcement of the 16 locations outlined below and in paragraph 4.5 of this report:

·       Chatham High Street – Access point from Batchelor Street, Chatham

·       Chatham High Street - Access from Church Street/Whittaker Street, Chatham

·       Chatham High Street - Access point from Clover Street, Chatham

·       Gillingham High Street (Green St access point to Gillingham High Street)

·       Gillingham High Street (Kings Street, access onto Gillingham High Street)

·       Gillingham High Street (James St access points to Gillingham High Street)

·       A2 High Street junction with B2002 Station Road, Strood. 

·       Chatham Hill junction with Luton Road, Chatham

·       Maidstone Road, Chatham, Bus Interchange

·       A2 Corporation Street junction with Esplanade, Rochester

·       Station Road junction with Friary Place, Strood

·       A2 London Road junction with Gravesend Road, Strood

·       A2 High Street, Strood junction with Esplanade, Strood

·       A2 Corporation Street junction with Gas House Road, Rochester

·       A2 Corporation Street junction with Bardell Terrace

·       A2 junction with Castle View Road, Strood


The Cabinet agreed to undertake the required statutory process for the existing No right turn ban from Rochester High Street junction with Star Hill Rochester and delegate authority to the Director of Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, Highways and Enforcement to proceed with necessary infrastructure work and implementation.



The Moving Traffic Enforcement initiative, within the Safer Healthier Streets Programme, meets several key strategic polices and action plans set out by the Council. The implementation of the recommendations creates a more reliable and safer road network.