Issue - meetings

Medway Adult Education Annual Accountability Agreement

Meeting: 11/06/2024 - Cabinet (Item 11)

11 Medway Adult Education Annual Accountability Agreement pdf icon PDF 131 KB

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This report set out the Medway Adult Education (MAE) Annual Accountability Agreement, which the Council was required to submit to the Department for Education (DfE) as part of its annual grant agreement. The agreement was used by the DfE to assure the use of public funds and was required to be signed and approved by MAE’s governing body, therefore this was a matter for Cabinet.

The report explained that the accountability agreement demonstrated how MAE was aligning with the Skills and Employability Plan for Medway and with the Kent & Medway Local Skills Improvement Plan. It also demonstrated how MAE was meeting the national priorities and working with key local stakeholders.

The MAE Annual Accountability Agreement was attached at Appendix 1 to the report. A Diversity Impact Assessment had been undertaken in relation to the Agreement, details of which were set out in Appendix 2 to the report.







The Cabinet considered and approved the Medway Adult Education Accountability Statement to be submitted to the Department for Education (DfE).




The draft accountability statement meets the DfE requirements and demonstrates MAE’s contribution to national and local priorities, alongside partnership working with key stakeholders. It is line with last year’s approved statement.