Issue - meetings

Proposed Grant of Easement Jeffery Street Car Park, Gillingham

Meeting: 11/06/2024 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Easement for use of Medway Council Land at Jeffery Street Car Park, Gillingham pdf icon PDF 133 KB

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This report asked the Cabinet to delegate authority to negotiate and issue a perpetual easement for access across and over its land by the adjoining site owner at 21 Jeffery Street.

The report stated that the site was privately owned and was purchased by the current owners in February 2022. Work had started on site in July 2022 and it was anticipated that development would complete in December 2024. The developer’s scheme fully occupied the development site but 12 of the flats proposed to have balconies which oversail the Council’s land to the westerly and southern boundaries.  In addition, the two ground floor commercial units required a rear pedestrian access, all of which would be reliant on the Council granting such rights to use its land, by way of easement. The proposals would not interrupt the pay and display car park or the number of car parking spaces available.

An exempt appendix to the report set out commercially sensitive information in relation to the easement premium and party.







The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Property, to grant an easement on the best terms reasonably obtainable at a premium, as set out in the Exempt Appendix.




To regulate use and obligations of the parties in the land transaction and obtaining best consideration for the proposed transaction. Also, to assist in securing development of the adjoining site which will provide residential Private Rented Sector (PRS) units.