Issue - meetings

Garden Waste Collection Review

Meeting: 09/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Garden Waste Review pdf icon PDF 388 KB




This report set out proposals to redesign the weekly organic waste (garden and food) collection service, limiting the quantity of garden waste households could present for free in Medway. 


Households who regularly generated more than one brown bin of waste every week would have the option of a new subscription garden-only collection service.  Income from the subscription garden-only service would help cover the cost of collections and maintain critical front-line services.

The Cabinet accepted the report as urgent to enable consideration of the matter at the earliest opportunity given that the next scheduled Cabinet meeting would be too late in terms of allowing time for mobilisation and ICT integration to take place.








The Cabinet agreed to introduce a new policy to limit volume of garden waste presented weekly for free for all kerbside properties to a maximum of one 240 litre bin or two brown sacks (no additional bins or bags) with effect from Spring 2025, subject to the caveats set out in paragraph 5.4 of the report. 


The Cabinet approved the introduction of a subscription fee for a second garden waste only bin with effect from Spring 2025 subject to the caveats set out in paragraph 5.4 of the report and recommend to Full Council to agree the fee of £40/year, as part of the Council’s fees and charges.


The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to Director of Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Strategic Regeneration to develop a detailed implementation plan to support the introduction of the new policy on the basis set out in paragraph 6.12 of the report and to make the service change.



Kerbside garden waste collection is a non-statutory service.


Weekly kerbside collection of food waste is a statutory service.

The proposed redesigned organic waste collection service retains free weekly household food and garden co-collection for all eligible households and minimises any substantial decrease in Medway’s recycling rate.


The new subscription garden-only collection service would be available for households who regularly generate more than one brown bin of waste every week and the income will help offset collection costs.


The proposed redesigned organic waste collection service provides Medway households with an increased capacity for garden waste recycling compared to many other Council’s including all Kent authorities.