Issue - meetings

Variation to Hackney Carriage Tariffs

Meeting: 12/03/2024 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Variation to Hackney Carriage Tariffs pdf icon PDF 123 KB

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This report requested that the Cabinet set the Hackney Carriage Tariffs. The current tariff, attached at Appendix A to the report, had been set on 5 August 2022 and had come into effect on 15 September 2022.

On 12 January 2024, the Council had received a proposed tariff submission report from the MLTDA for a variation to the current tariff with a copy of the survey, response analysis and driver’s comments, which were attached at Appendix B to the report.

The request had previously been considered by the Licensing and Safety Committee on 9 February 2024, which recommended Cabinet to set the tariff in accordance with the proposals set out within Appendix B. The minutes of the meeting were set out at section 6 to the report.







The Cabinet set the tariffs, as proposed by the Licensing Sub-Committee, agreed for officers to advertise in accordance with legislation and circulate to the taxi trade for comments for a period of 14 days commencing on 21 March 2024.



The Cabinet agreed that if no objections were received within the 14-day notice period, or if all objections made were withdrawn, the variation would come into operation on the date of the expiration of the 14-day notice period or the date of withdrawal of the objection(s), whichever was the later.




Approval of the recommendations enables implementation of the tariffs proposed by the Licensing Sub-Committee.