Issue - meetings

Outline Business Case for Brompton Academy

Meeting: 25/11/2010 - Council (Item 562)

562 Brompton Academy and Former Temple School Site Property Issues pdf icon PDF 580 KB

This report seeks approval to declare part of the Temple school site surplus and to add an item to the capital programme.




This report sought approval to declare part of Temple School site surplus and to add an item to the capital programme.


Councillor Wicks, supported by Councillor Wildey, moved the recommendations set out in paragraph 8 of the report.




The Council:


(a)            declared that part of the Temple school site shown edged black on site plan Appendix B of item 17 of the agenda is surplus and available for disposal;

(b)            recommended that a scheme is included in the capital programme, funded from the proceeds of the sale of the surplus Temple site, to fund the variation of the restrictive covenant on the land at New Brompton College and to facilitate the moves of the current occupants of Youth House to their new locations. In the first instance this is a sum of £350,000 for the adaptations to the Temple buildings with a further report on the proposal for relocating the Bradfields post-16 unit.

Meeting: 09/11/2010 - Cabinet (Item 134)

134 Outline Business Case for Brompton Academy pdf icon PDF 2 MB


This report presented the Outline Business Case (OBC) for Brompton Academy for Cabinet approval and onward submission to Partnerships for Schools (PfS) to secure funding. The outline business case document outlined the options appraisal, cost estimates, affordability assessment and procurement strategy for Brompton Academy. An executive summary of the OBC was set out in Appendix A to the report. The full Outline Business Case, including appendices and associated documents, had been sent separately to Members as an exempt document.


The report also provided details of a number of ancillary issues. These included a number of third party issues on the Brompton site, proposals for the relocation of tenants to the former Temple school site, and proposals for the relocation of Bradfields post-16 further education centre for pupils with special educational needs.


Decision number:



The Cabinet approved the Outline Business Case for Brompton Academy and gives delegated authority to the Director of Children and Adults in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services, Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer to make minor changes to the OBC after it has been subjected to the PfS Peer Review for ratification on behalf of the Council.


The Cabinet Authorised the Director of Children and Adults, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services, to utilise part of the vacated Temple school buildings to allow the relocation of tenants of Youth House, including Key Training outlined in section 5.1 and to seek to obtain vacant possession of Youth House.


The Cabinet authorised the Assistant Director of Housing and Corporate Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance to grant leases for existing occupiers of Youth House to occupy parts of the Temple School Block 3 and ancillary buildings.


The Cabinet authorised the Assistant Director of Housing and Corporate Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance to enter into negotiations with Medway NHS for a lease of part of the Temple School Block 3 and ancillary buildings and to grant such lease subject to suitable terms being agreed.


The Cabinet authorised the Assistant Director of Housing and Corporate services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, to enter in to an agreement with the MoD to vary the restrictive covenant outlined in section 5.4 of the report.


The Cabinet authorised the Assistant Director of Housing and Corporate services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Frontline Services, to undertake the process to the divert the footpath described in section 5.5 of the report, including the consideration of any representations.


The Cabinet recommended that Full Council agrees and declares that part of the Temple school site shown edged black on site plan Appendix D surplus and be available for disposal.


The Cabinet recommended to Full Council that a scheme be included in the capital programme, funded from the proceeds of the sale of the surplus Temple site, to fund the variation of the restrictive covenant and to facilitate the moves of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 134