Issue - meetings

Cabinet Advisory Groups

Meeting: 08/06/2010 - Cabinet (Item 37)

37 Cabinet Advisory Groups pdf icon PDF 159 KB


This report sought agreement to the re-establishment of seven Cabinet Advisory Groups to assist in the key areas of corporate parenting, the local development framework, the local transport plan, regeneration and the Council’s procurement arrangements.


These groups have no decision-making powers and consist of both executive and non-executive councillors. In some instances they also include external representatives.


The report set out details of the role of each group, their size and membership.


Decision number:



The Cabinet agreed the re-establishment of the Cabinet Advisory Groups with the terms of reference set out in the report and appointment of members to these bodies, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report, for 2010/2011 subject to replacing Councillor O’Brien with Councillor Royle on the Corporate Parenting Group.



The re-establishment of these groups will support the Cabinet in decision-making and the development of policies.