Issue - meetings

Temple Marsh Open Space

Meeting: 26/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 7)

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This report requested Cabinet approval of the development and subsequent ongoing management of Temple Marsh Open Space, Strood, which is a former landfill site intended to be the open space provision for the adjacent development of Temple Waterfront. This would ensure that the Council delivered the open space elements of the adjacent Temple Waterfront in line with the original outline planning permission and revisions agreed through reserved matters.








The Cabinet agreed to the development of Temple Marsh Open Space, including the Project Start-up and procurement of a Design and Planning Team to begin feasibility and outline design work on Temple Marsh and then deliver the sites improvement works, as detailed in section 5.1 of the report (option 1).



The Cabinet noted that the Chief Operating Officer would make the following additions to the Capital Programme, using authority delegated to him in the Council’s Employee Delegation Scheme:


i)       £961,102.97 from reserves for Temple Marsh improvements (which was funded from the £1m paid to the Council by Redrow, as detailed in paragraph 4.3 of the report) to undertake the work detailed in decision 152/2023.


ii)      £216,097.07 and £55,422.58 from related s106 agreement funding to be used for the sites’ ongoing improvement and management.



The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Strategic Regeneration, to agree the final design of the Temple Marsh Open Space, prior to the commencement of its delivery.




These decisions will help the Council deliver its obligations to create open space at Temple Marsh to compliment the development in the adjacent Temple Waterfront and provide an enhanced greenspace offer for the wider community.