Issue - meetings

Public Space Protection Order - Nuisance Motor Vehicles

Meeting: 19/10/2023 - Council (Item 328)

328 Public Space Protection Order - Nuisance Vehicles pdf icon PDF 158 KB

This report sets out the outcomes of the public consultations carried out seeking views on the introduction of a Medway wide Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) to address antisocial behaviour (ASB) from vehicles by introducing a Medway wide order. The Council is asked to agree the establishment of a PSPO.

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The report set out outcomes of a public consultation carried out seeking views on the introduction of a Medway wide Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to address anti-social behaviour from vehicles. The orders were created in relation to areas within the local authority’s jurisdiction, where activities were taking place that were, or were likely to be, detrimental to the local community’s quality of life. PSPOs imposed conditions or restrictions on people within that area. A breach of a PSPO was an offence punishable by a fixed penalty notice and/or prosecution in the Magistrates Court.

The report stated that over the past 18 months there had been an increase in complaints related to nuisance vehicles, on road and off road. This had precipitated consideration of the powers currently available to police and the Council to address the issues that these vehicles caused. Public consultation had been undertaken on the proposal, details of which were set out in Appendix 2.

The report had previously been considered by the Cabinet on 26 September 2023, the decisions of which were set out at section 6 of the report.

The Portfolio Holder for Community Safety and Enforcement, Councillor Osborne, supported by Councillor Peake, proposed the recommendations set out in the report.




a)    The Council noted the responses to the consultation to introduce a Medway wide PSPO, as detailed in section 8 and at Appendix 2 of the report.


b)    The Council approved the introduction of a Medway wide PSPO to tackle nuisance vehicles.

Meeting: 26/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Public Space Protection Order - Nuisance Vehicles pdf icon PDF 154 KB

Additional documents:



The report set out outcomes of a public consultations carried out seeking views on the introduction of a Medway wide Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to address anti-social behaviour from vehicles. The orders were created in relation to areas within the local authority’s jurisdiction, where activities were taking place that were, or were likely to be, detrimental to the local community’s quality of life. PSPOs imposed conditions or restrictions on people within that area. A breach of a PSPO was an offence punishable by a fixed penalty notice and/or prosecution in the Magistrates Court.


The report stated that over the past 18 months there had been an increase in complaints related to nuisance vehicles, on the road and off road. This had precipitated consideration of the powers currently available to police and the Council to address the issues that these vehicles cause. Public consultation had been undertaken on the proposal, details of which were set out at section 8 of the report and at Appendix 2.








The Cabinet noted the responses to the consultation to introduce a Medway wide PSPO, as detailed in section 8 and at Appendix 2 of the report.


The Cabinet recommended Full Council to approve the introduction of a Medway wide PSPO to tackle nuisance vehicles.




The introduction of a PSPO should assist our Kent Police partners and Council Community Safety Team in addressing incidents of nuisance related to ASB from vehicles, and over the long-term improve the quality of life for residents, visitors and local businesses.