Issue - meetings

Capital Additions Request - Waste Fleet Replacement Scheme

Meeting: 20/07/2023 - Council (Item 135)

135 Capital Additions Request - Waste Fleet Replacement Scheme pdf icon PDF 169 KB

This report requests that Full Council agrees to add £17million to the Capital Programme to fund the replacement bespoke waste vehicle fleet.




This report requested the addition of £17million to the Capital Programme to fund the replacement bespoke waste vehicle fleet.


It was proposed that prudential borrowing was undertaken to fund the procurement using the Council’s procurement framework. This would give the Council flexibility regarding future procurement of the waste collection and cleansing contract.


The report had previously been considered by the Cabinet on 11 July 2023, the decisions of which were set out at section 5 of the report.


The Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Strategic Regeneration, Councillor Curry, supported by the Leader of the Council, Councillor Maple, proposed the recommendations set out in the report.




The Council agreed the addition of £17million to the Council’s capital programme, funded from borrowing to procure a Council-controlled waste fleet, and noted that the revenue impact of this procurement would need to be addressed in the 2024/25 budget build.

Meeting: 11/07/2023 - Cabinet (Item 12)

12 Capital Additions Request - Waste Fleet Replacement Scheme pdf icon PDF 171 KB



This report requested an addition to the Capital Programme, to fund a replacement bespoke waste vehicle fleet. The report explored a number of options but recommended prudential borrowing to fund the procurement (option 3) and to give the Council flexibility for the future procurement of the waste collection and cleansing contract. The vehicles would be a Council asset and provide stronger business continuity and the Council would be well placed to convert these vehicles at end of life to electric, hydrogen or other low-emission technology, taking a more environmentally sustainable approach to future fleet replacement. The Council would also continually assess the appropriateness of acquiring any vehicles using alternative leasing.







The Cabinet agreed to recommend Full Council to agree to the addition of £17million to the Council’s capital programme, funded from borrowing, to procure a Council-controlled waste fleet, and noted that the revenue impact of this procurement would be addressed in the 2024/25 budget build.



Option 3, procuring the new waste fleet using prudential borrowing, offers best value for money and flexibility in future service provision.