Issue - meetings

Gateway 1 Procurement Commencement - Health Visiting and School Nursing

Meeting: 13/06/2023 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Gateway 1 Procurement Commencement: Health Visiting and School Nursing Service pdf icon PDF 221 KB




This report requested the Cabinet’s agreement to commence the procurement of the Medway Health Visiting and School Nursing (0-19) contract. 


The report had previously been considered by the Procurement Board. It was proposed to undertake an open market procurement using an invitation to tender process. This would enable the market to be tested and a service specification informed by the interested providers to be drafted.








The Cabinet approved the procurement commencement of the Health Visiting and School nursing service as per the preferred option identified in paragraphs 4.2.5 and 4.3.1 of the report.




A competitive dialogue process will enable Public Health and Category Management to identify risks within the procurement at the earliest opportunity. It will engage with providers who will be expected to design the service for, or less than the maximum budget value. The dialogue will mean that providers are involved in the process, and it is likely to reduce the destabilising the re-procurement will bring.

The competitive dialogue is likely to maximise value and impact for money. This is because providers will know what is achievable and where priority should be placed.