Issue - meetings

GP Access Task Group - Minority Report

Meeting: 04/04/2023 - Cabinet (Item 13)

13 GP Access Task Group - Minority Report pdf icon PDF 119 KB

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This report set out the minority views and the decision of the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee, in relation to the GP Access Task Group. Paragraph 11.2 of the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny rules stated that:


If an Overview and Scrutiny Committee cannot agree on one single final set of proposals or recommendations to the Council or Leader/Cabinet (as appropriate), then a minority view which is supported by the largest minority, but at least three members, may be prepared and submitted for consideration by the Council or Leader/Cabinet (as appropriate) with the proposals and recommendations supported by the majority of the Committee.


In this case five members of the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee had given support for a minority view at its meeting on 9 March 2023. This minority view was to submit the GP Access Task Group interim report and interim recommendations to the Cabinet. The decision of the Committee had been not to submit the interim report to the Cabinet pending further Task Group work that would be completed in Summer 2023.






The Cabinet noted the interim report of the GP Access Task Group.


The Cabinet agreed that the Task Group report and its draft recommendations be revisited in Summer 2023 to enable completion of the work, including further engagement with GPs.


The Cabinet requested that the completed Task Group report be presented to a future Cabinet meeting.




The Cabinet has a choice to consider the minority report, the decision of the committee and determine what action to take in response as set out in paragraph 11.2 of the Overview and Scrutiny Rules.