Issue - meetings

Thames Estuary Airport - Feasibility Review

Meeting: 05/01/2010 - Cabinet (Item 5.)

Thames Estuary Airport - Feasibility Review


2/2010 The Cabinet agreed to recommend that Full Council reaffirm its opposition to the plans to construct a new Thames Estuary Airport and that Douglas Oakervee (the author of the report) be contacted to: a) advise that any justification for the location of a new airport in the south east could only be considered once detailed London and the south east connectivity and accessibility studies had been undertaken; b) seek to clarify the route of the road and rail links, as detailed in the report; c) draw to his attention the risks associated with the close proximity of the existing Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) import facility at Thamesport and the proposed London Array wind farm; d) seek early meaningful proposals for environmental mitigation in line with the requirements of the EU Birds Directive and the EU Habitats Directive.