Issue - meetings

Update on Plans Relating to the First Floor of the Pentagon Centre

Meeting: 18/10/2022 - Cabinet (Item 19)

19 Update on Plans Relating to the Future of the First Floor of the Pentagon Centre pdf icon PDF 129 KB




This report provided an update on the plans for the first floor of the Pentagon Centre, which included an NHS Healthy Living Centre (HLC), Innovation Hub and ancillary projects. In February 2022, Full Council had added £10,348,000 to the Capital Programme to fund the HLC, on the provision that the NHS would reimburse the full amount. The Council had also been awarded grant funding from the Future High Street Fund (FHSF), to assist with the delivery of the HLC and Innovation Hub on the first floor of the Pentagon Centre. The outputs of the projects needed to be delivered by 31 March 2024.


The report advised that various options had been considered for the redevelopment of the first floor. The favoured option was for it to be used as an NHS HLC, which would provide a much-needed medical facility in Chatham, providing a catalyst for ancillary medical uses and; an Innovation Hub, which would primarily be funded from the FHSF.


Two exempt appendices to the report set out an update on plans relating to the future of the first floor of the Pentagon Centre and a plan of the proposed uses of the first floor.








The Cabinet noted the contents of this report.





Progressing the delivery of plans to re-use the first floor of the Pentagon, will provide useful community facilities, improve the net income from the centre and improve footfall.