Issue - meetings

Gateway 1 Options Appraisal: A228 Stoke Crossing

Meeting: 15/12/2009 - Cabinet (Item 7.)

Gateway 1 Options Appraisal: A228 Stoke Crossing


234/2009 The Cabinet agreed to: (i) approve the line and layout of the new road and bridge as set out in the drawings appended to the report and the preferred options (paragraph 7.11 of the report); (ii) approve the use of weathered steel for the main beams; (iii) a planning application for the bridge being submitted; (iv) note that the Monitoring Officer had agreed the use of the Accelerated Restricted Procedure under her delegated authority, and in consultation with the Procurement Board; (v) delegate the decisions to the form of the contract to the Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Procurement Board.