7 2022 Annual Review of the School Place Planning Strategy 2022-27 PDF 931 KB
Additional documents:
This report provided an update on the progress made against the School Place Planning Strategy 2018 – 2022 and 2022 - 2027, highlighting areas of demand for school places, action taken and made recommendations to ensure that sufficient good quality school places were available through to 2027. The report set out options to fund the proposals.
This annual review report, and the recommendations in it, were based upon the annual round of forecasting undertaken in April 2022, using the latest available data.
Decision number:
The Cabinet noted the progress made against the School Organisation Plan and School Place Planning Strategy frameworks, which had ensured that the Council had met its duty and that sufficient school places were currently available to meet demand.
The Cabinet noted that the Council had been allocated £17,049,927 basic need allocation, and £7,961,522 SEND allocation.
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The Cabinet supported the strategy as set out in sections 9 and 11 of the report, with individual schemes being brought forward to Cabinet and Council seeking approval to be added to the Capital Programme in due course.
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The Cabinet authorised officers to commence the detailed feasibility studies, design, planning, and procurement processes at the appropriate times for the projects set out in sections 9 and 11 of the report, ensuring that appropriate procurement processes would be completed.
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The Cabinet authorised officers to undertake further feasibility studies and statutory consultations as necessary to ensure that plans were in place to meet demand as and when it emerged.
By approving the recommendations in section 18 of the report, the Cabinet will be ensuring that the Council meets its statutory duty to ensure sufficient good quality school places are available.