Issue - meetings

Additions to the Capital Programme for the Redevelopment of Debenhams

Meeting: 21/07/2022 - Council (Item 122)

122 Addition to the Capital Programme for the Redevelopment of Debenhams pdf icon PDF 132 KB

This report requests an addition to the Capital Programme, to facilitate the redevelopment of the former Debenhams site, which requires Full Council approval.


The regeneration of the former Debenhams building provides a valuable opportunity to proactively diversify the high street, providing an active frontage and residential development in the heart of Chatham.


The report was considered by the Cabinet on 5 July 2022.




This report asked the Council to agree an addition to the Capital Programme, to facilitate the redevelopment of the former Debenhams site.


The report advised that the regeneration of the former Debenhams building provided a valuable opportunity to proactively diversify the high street, providing an active frontage and residential development in the heart of Chatham. The redevelopment of Debenhams would unlock a key strategic site in Chatham high street. It would enable a currently vacant brownfield site to be brought back into use and increase the provision of much needed residential use and diversification of commercial space. It was proposed that residential development be delivered above the ground floor commercial space.


An exempt appendix to the report set out details of the costs of the redevelopment of the Debenhams building.


The report had previously been considered by the Cabinet on 5 July 2022. The Cabinet decision was set out at section 5 of the report.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Jarrett, supported by the Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Services, Councillor Doe, proposed the recommendations set out in the report.


Councillor Curry, supported by Councillor Adeoye, proposed the following amendment:


Add to the recommendations:


10.2   Council agrees for a feasibility study to be produced looking at the move of Chatham Library/Community Hub from its current location to be part of the ground floor non-residential section of this development in the heart of Chatham High Street. This study will be received by the Regeneration, Culture and Environment Overview and Scrutiny committee prior to Cabinet.”


Amended recommendations read:


10.1    The Council is recommended to approve the addition of £17,878,916 from short-term borrowing (to be repaid from future capital receipts generated by the site) to the Capital Programme for the redevelopment of the former Debenhams site.


10.2    Council agrees for a feasibility study to be produced looking at the move of Chatham Library/Community Hub from its current location to be part of the ground floor non-residential section of this development in the heart of Chatham High Street. This study will be received by the Regeneration, Culture and Environment Overview and Scrutiny committee prior to Cabinet.


On being put to the vote the amendment was lost.




The Council approved the addition of £17,878,916 from short-term borrowing (to be repaid from future capital receipts generated by the site) to the Capital Programme for the redevelopment of the former Debenhams site.



Meeting: 05/07/2022 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Additions to the Capital Programme for the Redevelopment of Debenhams pdf icon PDF 131 KB




This report requested Cabinet to recommend Full Council to agree an addition to the Capital Programme, to facilitate the redevelopment of the former Debenhams site.


The report advised that the regeneration of the former Debenhams building provided a valuable opportunity to proactively diversify the high street, providing an active frontage and residential development in the heart of Chatham. The redevelopment of Debenhams would unlock a key strategic site in Chatham high street. It would enable a currently vacant brownfield site to be brought back into use and increase the provision of much needed residential and diversification of commercial space. It was proposed that residential development be delivered above the ground floor commercial space.


An exempt appendix to the report set out details of the costs of the redevelopment of the Debenhams building.








The Cabinet agreed to recommend Full Council to approve the addition of £17,878,916 from short-term borrowing (to be repaid from future capital receipts generated by the site) to the Capital Programme for the redevelopment of the former Debenhams site.





To facilitate the continued development and improvements within Chatham Town Centre.