Issue - meetings

Local Transport Plan

Meeting: 03/11/2009 - Cabinet (Item 6.)

Local Transport Plan


174/2009 The Cabinet instructed officers to produce Medway Transport Strategy to cover the period 2011 to 2026, together with supporting Implementation Plans covering successive 3 year periods.
175/2009 The Cabinet agreed to support the national Transport Goals but refined to incorporate sub-regional and local objectives.
176/2009 The Cabinet agreed the formation of an LTP3 All Party Cabinet Advisory Group as set out in the terms of reference in Appendix A to the report.
177/2009 The Cabinet agreed the LTP3 programme for the production and consultation as detailed in the report and Appendix B to the report.
178/2009 The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority for the consultation of the draft Implementation Plan to the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Front Line Services.
179/2009 The Cabinet agreed the engagement of Consultancy support to produce a Strategic Environmental Assessment as part of the LTP3 development.