12 Enforcing Moving Traffic Offences in Medway PDF 169 KB
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This report explained recent changes to Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 and sought approval to apply to the Secretary of State for civil powers to enforce moving traffic offences in Medway.
The report set out that local Highway Authorities outside of London with civil parking enforcement powers were now able to apply to the Secretary of State for powers to enforce moving traffic offences. This would bring the rest of the country in line with London, where local boroughs could use video analytics and automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras to identify offences and issue Penalty Charge Notices to drivers committing moving traffic contraventions.
The report set out a proposed first tranche of specific sites for enforcement once the order had been granted by the Secretary of State. These locations were subject to existing restrictions that could be enforced by the Police currently and no new restrictions were proposed. Subject to the Cabinet’s agreement, officers would prepare a business case for the scheme for Cabinet to consider at a future meeting.
A Diversity Impact Assessment (DIA) had been completed in relation to the proposals, as set out in Appendix B to the report.
Decision number:
121/2022 |
The Cabinet supported the civil enforcement of moving traffic offences across Medway, as set out in option 1 at paragraph 3.1 of the report and agreed to delegate authority to the Chief Executive to apply to Government for enforcement powers.
To support the management of the road network in Medway and improve safety and traffic flow at specific locations and along key corridors, in accordance with Council policy and strategic objectives.