4 Treasury Management Outturn Annual Report PDF 522 KB
This report provided an overview of treasury management activity during 2021/22. It stated that overall, the Interest and Financing budget made a surplus of £5,451,000 over its targeted budget of £12,171,000.
The underspend on the Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) followed a report by Link Asset Services which concluded that provision in previous years had been too high so just £358,000, being equivalent to the HRA contribution, had been charged as MRP in 2021/22 to redress the balance.
The report advised that the Council’s Constitution set out that the report would be presented to the Cabinet and to the Audit Committee no later than September, but that this had not been possible this year due to the cancellation of the September Cabinet and Audit Committee.
The report had previously been considered by the Audit Committee on 5 October 2022.
Decision number:
The Cabinet noted the treasury management outturn annual report. |
Section 7.1 (e) of the Council’s Financial Rules state that the Chief Operating Officer shall report to Cabinet and the Audit Committee not later than September on treasury management activities in the previous year.