7 Council Plan Performance Monitoring and Risk Register Review - Quarter 4 2021/2022 PDF 471 KB
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This report provided details of how the Council had performed during quarter 4 in 2021/22 against the Council’s three priorities and the actions being taken to improve performance.
There were 50 Council Plan measures for 2021/22, of which it was possible to report on 40 as two were data only and 8 were not available for the reporting quarter. In summary, 28 out of 40 measures had met or exceeded target, 2 were slightly below target and 10 were significantly below target.
The report explained that risk owners had reviewed and updated their risks, which had subsequently been reviewed and agreed by the Strategic Risk Management Group. It was recommended that the following risks be removed; SR26 (Non-delivery of Children’s Services Improvement) as this was incorporated and mitigated against by risk SR09B (Failure to meet the need of children and young people); and SR52 (a new severe pandemic) as it was not possible to mitigate against a future pandemic. However, the Council had a robust Pandemic Plan in place and risk SR02 (Business Continuity and Emergency Planning) remained on the strategic risk register.
It was noted that the report would be considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committees during June and July 2022.
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The Cabinet noted Q4 2021/22 performance against the measures used to monitor progress against the Council’s priorities. |
70/2022 |
The Cabinet agreed the Strategic Risk Register set out at Appendix 5 to the report. |
Regular monitoring of performance and risks by management and Members is best practice and ensures achievement of corporate objectives.