Issue - meetings

The Council's Housing Stock - Revenue and Capital Budgets 2003/2004

Meeting: 04/02/2003 - Cabinet (Item 9.)

The Council's Housing Stock - Revenue and Capital Budgets 2003/2004


56/2003 The Cabinet recommended the following to Council for approval:(i) The adoption of the new staffing structure for the Estate Management Service set out in Appendix B1.(ii) The proposed Revenue and Capital Budgets for 2003/2004, inclusive of an average rent increase of £2.07 per week (based upon 50 collection weeks) and an increase in service charges of 3% set out in paragraph 4.2.1.(iii) The proposed increase in garage rent charges by 3%.(iv) The Housing Capital Budget be consolidated into two budget headings, Planned Maintenance and Disabled Adaptations.
57/2003 The Cabinet approved the following:(i) The extension of the Building Maintenance Term contract to 1 April 2004.(ii) A 100% stock survey be carried out, to meet the decent homes standard, by an in-house team of four, full time temporary surveyors over a 6 month period at a cost of £72,000 (option 4c in the addendum report), for the collection of stock condition data to meet the Decent Home Standard
58/2003 The Cabinet noted the performance measures and targets including those for management and maintenance costs per property.