Issue - meetings

Local Management Changes

Meeting: 10/12/2002 - Cabinet (Item 10.)

Local Management Changes


354/2002 Cabinet approved the following changes from 1 April 2003:(i) the SEN formula for secondary schools to be simplified by using Key Stage 2 results only in assessing the prior attainment of pupils in Key Stages 3 & 4;(ii) the Education Welfare Service funding formula for secondary schools to be allocated on the basis of a lump sum of £1,300 and the remainder using the SEN formula (unless the DfES requires that it be retained centrally);(iii) pay and grading review funding to be delegated to schools based on three factors: the SEN formula, a lump sum and the number of age-weighted pupils, with the balance between these factors being determined so as to reflect the costs to each school as closely as possible;
(iv) Key Stage 1 class size funding to be delegated to infant and primary schools based on the difference between the number of Key Stage 1 pupils and the next multiple of 30;(v) devolved formula capital allocations to be devolved to schools at the start of the financial year to which they relate;
(vi) all schools to operate local bank accounts from 1 April 2003;(vii) changes to Medway's Scheme for Financing Schools (as detailed in the consultation document) for submission by 31 January to the Secretary of State for approval.
355/2002 Cabinet agreed that the Director of Education and Leisure be given delegated power to approve, in consultation with the Education portfolio holder, and taking into account the views of schools and the Schools Forum, from 1 April 2003:(i) the formula for allocating funding to split-site schools (ii) the formulae for delegating funding for school improvement, inclusion, the induction of newly qualified teachers and for performance management and threshold assessment.