Issue - meetings

South East and East of England Regional Air Services Study (SERAS) - Consultation

Meeting: 29/10/2002 - Cabinet (Item 4.)

South East and East of England Regional Air Services Study (SERAS) - Consultation


262/2002 The Cabinet recommended to the Council that the suggested response as outlined in the documents in the report and supported by the annexes to the report to the Government be endorsed.
263/2002 The Cabinet recommended to the Council that authority be given to the Director of Development and Environment in consultation with the Group Leaders to agree the final content of the Council's response and supporting papers.
264/2002 The Cabinet recommended to the Council that the response be sent to the Department for Transport, the Treasury, Members of Parliament, national, regional and local agencies, partners and consultees.
265/2002 The Cabinet recommended to the Council that a copy of the documentation be sent to the Chairs of the Parish Councils of Medway with particular thanks for their contributions.
266/2002 The Cabinet recommended to Council that the recommendations in the Air Transport Consultation Task Group's report be endorsed and the report itself be sent to Government as part of the Council's formal response to the consultation.