Issue - meetings

Upper Upnor Conservation Area Appraisal

Meeting: 02/02/2021 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Upper Upnor Conservation Area Appraisal - Request to go to Public Consultation pdf icon PDF 222 KB

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This report requested approval for public consultation on a revised Upper Upnor Conservation Area Appraisal, replacing the previous version from 2004 which required updating. The revised document also provided an opportunity to introduce a new format for future Conservation Area Appraisals in Medway which followed that of other authorities in Kent (and more widely) and was fully supported by Historic England.


The public consultation was planned to be for a minimum of six weeks in Spring/Summer 2021. Following the consultation a final draft appraisal would be presented to Cabinet for consideration and adoption.


Decision number:



The Cabinet agreed:


(i)    To commence public consultation on the draft Upper Upnor Conservation Area Appraisal (paragraph 3.1 Option A) as set out in Appendix 3 to the report.

(ii)   For use in the formation of future conservation area appraisals, the general conservation information in appendices 1 and 2 to the report.




To achieve significant potential benefits and comply with the duty to produce and hold public consultation on Conservation Area Appraisals.


The Upper Upnor Conservation Area Appraisal will support the continued conservation and enhancement of the historic environment through defining the historic, architectural and townscape qualities that make the Upper Upnor Conservation Area special.


The “Introduction to Conservation Area Appraisals” and “Conservation Area Design Guidance” for use in future Conservation Area Appraisals will assist in the production of future conservation area appraisals and their consistency.