Issue - meetings

COVID-19 Response

Meeting: 09/06/2020 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 COVID-19 Response pdf icon PDF 185 KB




The Cabinet agreed to accept this as an urgent item to ensure that the Cabinet was formally apprised of the process for managing the restarting of services post lockdown and longer term recovery at the earliest opportunity.


This report provided details of the Council’s response to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) global pandemic. It also outlined the approach in the coming weeks as priorities around the Council’s response which would alter to reflect the partial lifting of the lockdown and the moves to restart the economy and reopen businesses and schools.


The report provided detailed information as to how the Council had managed the response to the pandemic, the requirement to develop a COVID-19 Local Outbreak Control Plan, and the Council’s work with the voluntary and community sector.


The report also provided detailed information, at a service level (critical or non-critical), in terms of the Council’s response to the pandemic.


Decision number:


The Cabinet noted the Council’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic


The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Public Heath in consultation with the Leader to submit the Outbreak Control Plan, as described in section 4 of the report.

