Issue - meetings

Medway Youth Council - Annual Conference Report

Meeting: 16/07/2020 - Council (Item 92)

92 Medway Youth Council - Annual Conference Report pdf icon PDF 303 KB

This is a report from Medway Youth Council Annual Conference held in November 2019 on the subject of Climate Change and protecting the environment. 


At its meeting on 2 June 2020, the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommended that the report be reported to Full Council.

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This report provided details from the Medway Youth Council Annual Conference held in November 2019 on the subject of Climate Change and protecting the environment. 


At its meeting on 2 June 2020, the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommended that the report be reported to Full Council.


Councillor Kemp, supported by Councillor Johnson, proposed the recommendation set out in the report.




The Council agreed to note the Medway Youth Council Annual Conference Report, attached as Appendix 1 to this report.


Councillors Cooper, Hubbard, Johnson, Khan, Mahil, Maple, Murray, Osborne, and Andy Stamp requested that their votes in favour of the decision be recorded in accordance with Council Rule 12.6.

Meeting: 02/06/2020 - Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 19)

19 Medway Youth Council - Annual Conference Report pdf icon PDF 143 KB

This is a report from Medway Youth Council Annual conference held in November 2019 on the subject of Climate Change and protecting the environment. The Youth Council hope to inform the committee by presenting this report about the knowledge, thoughts and actions of young people in Medway in respect to climate change and the environment and their concerns for the future.

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The Medway Youth Council (MYC) Chair introduced the report which provided the Committee with the findings of the MYC Annual Conference on Climate Change.  It had highlighted that protecting the environment had been a key priority for young people and provided an effective platform for the young people of Medway to voice their views on issues affecting climate change. The conference had enabled Medway Youth Council to gather a reliable representative range of feedback from young people, enabling them to effectively represent and work on these issues.


In terms of outcomes, the MYC Chair explained that MYC would work with schools and community groups to conduct an annual audit of the waste they produced and recycling levels. Alongside the audit MYC would monitor progress in relation to improvements in recycling, reductions of non-recyclable waste and help promote classroom climate education.


A suggestion was made that the report should be shared with primary schools and this was welcomed by the MYC Chair who undertook to explore ways of doing this.




The Committee thanked Medway Youth Council for the report and recommended that it be reported to full Council and the Climate Change Advisory Group.


Councillors Cooper, Howcroft-Scott and Johnson requested that their votes in favour of the decisions be recorded.