Issue - meetings

Community Safety Partnership Plan 2008-2011 (policy framework)

Meeting: 02/09/2008 - Cabinet (Item 5.)

Community Safety Partnership Plan 2008-2011 (policy framework)


196/2008 The Cabinet agreed to recommend to Council that the Community Safety Partnership Plan be approved as a policy framework document subject to the following amendments as suggested by the Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 28 August 2008:
(a) the lead agencies are included in the plan for priorities 4, 7 and 9;
(b) information about the one-stop shops is updated in the current plan;
(c) information on Alcohol Control Zones is updated in the current plan.
197/2008 The Cabinet agreed that future consultation would be improved and broadened for next year's plan to include the Kent Police Authority.