Issue - meetings

Constitutional Issues

Meeting: 08/01/2008 - Cabinet (Item 3.)

Constitutional Issues


6/2008 The Cabinet recommended Council to:
a) delegate authority to the Chief Executive to formally appoint Independent Members to serve on Independent Admission Appeals Panels and Independent Exclusion Appeals Panels for terms of office not exceeding three years at a time
b) formally designate the Head of Democratic Services as Clerk to the Independent Panels for School Admission Appeals and School Exclusion Appeals and to authorise the Clerk to appoint the Chairman for each Panel from among the pool of Independent Members.
7/2008 The Cabinet recommended Council to:
a) appoint the Local Authority representative on the two Management Committees.
b) amend the procedures for appointing Local Authority governors to include the appointment of Local Authority members of PRU Management Committees
8/2008 The Cabinet agreed to:
a) approve the first Instruments of Government for the Silverbank and Will Adams Centre Pupil Referral Units, as set out in Appendix 1 and 2 of the report;
b) delegate to the Director of Children's Services power to make arrangements for elections for parent and staff members and to appoint the first community members;
c) delegate to the Management Committees the power to
· conduct the unit
· manage complaints
· manage discipline (including exclusion of pupils).
9/2008 The Cabinet recommended to Council to amend paragraph 8.1 (bullet point 2 (vii)) of the employee delegation scheme (part 4, chapter 3 of the Constitution) as set out in section 6 of the report.