Issue - meetings

Revised Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL) Planning Memorandum

Meeting: 25/09/2007 - Cabinet (Item 5.)

Revised Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL) Planning Memorandum


167/2007 The Cabinet agreed that the Secretary of State for Transport be advised of Medway Council's agreement to the adoption of the simplified Channel Tunnel Rail Link Planning Memorandum.
168/2007 The Cabinet agreed that the Secretary of State for Transport and/or the Channel Tunnel Rail Link High Level Forum be advised of Medway Council's agreement to the disbandment of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link Planning Forum.
169/2007 The Cabinet recommended to Council that the Constitution be changed, as set out in Appendix 2 of the report, to allow Plans and Specifications submissions made pursuant to Paragraph 15 of Schedule 6 of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link Act 1996 to be determined by the Director of Regeneration and Development under the Employee Delegation Scheme.