Issue - meetings

Medway Innovation Centre - Phase 2

Meeting: 03/04/2007 - Cabinet (Item 7.)

Medway Innovation Centre - Phase 2


80/2007 The Cabinet noted the progress achieved in establishing the Phase 1 innovation centre.
81/2007 The Cabinet instructed officers to reopen negotiations with St. Modwen's (who were the second preferred developers) given that negotiations with the current preferred developer could not be satisfactorily concluded.
82/2007 The Cabinet authorised the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Development and Economic Growth, to grant a development agreement and lease for the Phase 2 site to St. Modwen's if satisfactory terms can be agreed.
83/2007 Subject to agreement with St. Modwen's not being reached: (i) In relation to construction of the Phase 2 facility, the Cabinet approved the council entering into a design and build contract (option 2) with a suitable construction company either though the South East Centre of Excellence (SECE) route or through an Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) tender and delegated authority to the Chief Executive to review the suitability of the SECE Framework, to proceed with a procurement through SECE if satisfactory and appropriate, or otherwise to proceed with a separate tender in accordance with Contract Rules and to award the contract. (ii) In relation to the management of the Phase 2 facility, the Cabinet approved the council entering into a lease of not more than 7 years (option 3) and/or a management and services contract of the same length with a suitable operating company and delegated authority to the Chief Executive to award the contract at Gateway 3, Contract Award. (iii) The Cabinet recommended to Full Council to approve the Prudential borrowing requirement and the required cashflow cover from council reserves for the project to proceed and to add the scheme to the Capital Programme.