Issue - meetings

Sheltered Housing Schemes

Meeting: 18/07/2006 - Cabinet (Item 8.)

Sheltered Housing Schemes


146/2006 The Cabinet approved, with regard to Queens Court, Fitzhorold House and Shalder House, only moving tenants when accommodation becomes available that matches their requirements rather than en masse when a potential development partner has been identified subject to the comments set out in paragraph 8.3 of the report.
147/2006 The Cabinet noted the indicative timetable for the competitive tendering process, as set out in appendix 2 of the report, to secure a housing partner to redevelop and or replace Shalder House and Fitzthorold House with sheltered / extracare accommodation for older people.
148/2006 The Cabinet instructed officers to investigate developing shared ownership accommodation for people with a disability on the Queens Court site or on part of the site, pending a development plan for improving services for people with a disability and report back to Cabinet in the autumn.