Issue - meetings

Kent and Medway Structure Plan

Meeting: 04/04/2006 - Cabinet (Item 3.)

Kent and Medway Structure Plan


60/2006 The Cabinet recommended that Council on 20 April 2006 agree to adopt the Kent and Medway Structure Plan. Specifically the Council was recommended to agree:
a) for publication, alongside the adoption procedures for the Plan, the draft 'Report of Consultation on the Further Proposed Modifications to the Kent and Medway Structure Plan', including the proposed response on behalf of the Councils, to the representations received on them
b) that no further changes (modifications) be proposed to the policies of the Kent and Medway Structure Plan
c) that statutory notification of the intention to adopt the Kent and Medway Structure Plan be published at the earliest opportunity
d) that statutory notification of adoption of the Kent and Medway Structure Plan be published at the earliest opportunity following completion of the notification period for the intention to adopt
e) that in conjunction with (d) the Kent and Medway Structure Plan is adopted as part of the development plan for Kent and Medway for the purposes of plan preparation and development control
f) that the polices and supporting explanatory text to the Kent and Medway Structure Plan be published in printed form and on the Structure Plan web site at the earliest opportunity.