Issue - meetings

Medway Economic Development Statement

Meeting: 14/03/2006 - Cabinet (Item 5.)

Medway Economic Development Statement


47/2006 The Cabinet approved the Medway Economic Development Statement and Action Plan for publication subject to the inclusion of the town centres to the strategic priorities set out in paragraph 4.3 of the report and within the plan.
48/2006 The Cabinet noted that the Medway Economic Development Statement provided a strategic direction for the Medway economy, and supported the principle that future policy documents from Medway Council should provide support to the aims within the strategy.
49/2006 The Cabinet noted the importance of Medway achieving sustainable economic growth, and recognised that the support of the Council may be required to deliver some projects within the action plan.
50/2006 The Cabinet agreed to revise the headline jobs growth figure for the Economic Development Statement to 40,000.